
Mobile Quickie

Baby: ‘I’m not going to get out of the car in this k?’ Me: ‘Yeah yeah. We are just going to park somewhere and play.’ Wearing the white translucent oversized tank top, she had her office blazer over her shoulders despite driving in the night. We turned into a multi-storey carpark of a newly built…Continue readingMobile Quickie


Needy Model

Lying on the bed after the photoshoot, the organiser, who was also my friend, let the room for a smoke break. In my hand I had my phone, browsing through the photos broadcasting through a portable router to check for any badly taken shots. Rebecca’s movements in and out of the toilet did not bother…Continue readingNeedy Model


Desire to Degrade

Alicia: ‘I’m busy now.. can’t you wait?’ Melvin turned off her monitor and dropped his GoPro cam in front of her laptop, grabbing her arms and using his belly to hold them down against her revolving chair. In a single lifting motion, her front-lace nightie went over her head, leaving her top naked with just…Continue readingDesire to Degrade


Chocolate Cake

‘Hey Mandy!’, I called out to my poly classmate whom I had not seen but remained in contact with. The blue blouse, green chiffon skirt girl turned to see me in jeans and a backpack, carrying a small cake box with a cute ribbon on the top. ‘What are you doing here?’, I could almost…Continue readingChocolate Cake


Raped with Pleasure

‘No no! Please don’t!’, cried Laura as she was dragged backwards in the arms of a stranger, having a punch delivered across her cheek bones. She was flung into the tall bushes nearby, pricking across her arms and legs painfully, but face protected by her hands. As soon as she got on her knees to…Continue readingRaped with Pleasure