
Stay With Me

(She whispered irately) ‘hey hey hey.. I don’t want.. ‘ Without a care for her mood, I spun her towards the wall right behind the closed door and pinned her ‘down’, as I tucked both her thin wrists into one hand. Pulling out a necktie that I had kept in my back pocket, I quickly…Continue readingStay With Me



As surprised as I was when she groped my dick in the lift, it wasn’t the first time she got the hots for me, especially after a long separation due to work. But when she washed her feet so quickly to be in my room first, I could not have guessed that she was missing…Continue readingSumptous


Still Angry

(Luna moaning desperately) ‘Are.. are you.. still angry?’ ‘Shhh.’ Knowing better than to irritate him even further, she pressed her lips together in a futile effort to silence the agonising groans, triggered by the vibrator he had placed inside her. For the past fifteen minutes, she had been twitching non-stop to the lowest setting of…Continue readingStill Angry


Bus Fair

‘J.. I can’t go any further.’ ‘But we just left house!’ ‘I know. It’s rubbing me on the inside with each step I take. My panties is soaked.’ Unwilling to solve that ‘healthy’ problem, I dragged her to the bus interchange ten minutes away, listening to her occasional gasps and moans whenever she had to…Continue readingBus Fair


Wireless @ SG

‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes.’ Ryan’s new girlfriend tightened her grip on his wrist as he pushed the wireless vibrator into her pussy, in the bus on the way to a movie date. He adjusted her panties and skirt straight after it was in, but did nothing to trigger the toy until they reached the ticketing…Continue readingWireless @ SG