Trending Videos

#1 SOE-768/ EYAN-084

Every week (or so), I will strive to present one of the best/ most interesting/ latest JAV clips to aid the healthy, preferably-weekly release  of one’s sexual tension. After years of ‘research’, as raw and uncensored as we prefer porn to be, the most captivating ones might just be covered in the occasional mosaics.  SOE-768…Continue reading#1 SOE-768/ EYAN-084

Reviews Videos

No longer up-to-date: R21

As of 22nd Feb 2018, a new format will be adopted in regards to JAV recommendations. From next Monday (26th Feb), you will be able to read a short review of the videos I recommend. I hope that that will be able to streamline your process of finding good, fap-worthy clips. In this always-up-to-date guide,…Continue readingNo longer up-to-date: R21



He is humourous, she is mean. He goes straight to the point, she maybe-s. He is the hermit, she’s the chariot. As they stood before each other, he had his hand on her neck, thumb brushing across her cheek as she tilted her head sideways. It wasn’t the touch that was on their minds. It…Continue readingEyes


Review – M Hotel

You and your girl managed to squeeze two days out of your busy calendar to spend quality time together. What now? There’s no better place/ activity than to go on a staycation to get those raging hormones of you two, satiated. Sure, you might say that your house is available, but what about her spiritual…Continue readingReview – M Hotel


Encryption for Dummies

More often than not, we’ve heard news about ‘leaks’, or ‘hacks’, that basically publicised a person’s personal, intimate, and even compromising photos and videos, for the world to see. The damages that stem from such a breach is literally immeasurable, since it affects more than just ‘reputation’. As guardians of information, protectors of sensitive data,…Continue readingEncryption for Dummies