
Invisible Link

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 What would usually be the link between a studious boy and a typical ‘Ah Lian’ (a term used to address female gangster in one of Singapore’s dialect)? Aaron was one of the students in the so called ‘A’ class, under a special programme, that was privileged but…Continue readingInvisible Link


Just Relax

Joy was Andy’s girlfriend, before she met him, she was just a girl in poly, doing her best to get good grades. Hardly distracted by issues of sex, she was focused and happy-go-lucky. Then, after the CCA open house, she knew Andy, and quickly gave into her naive and simple perception of love. Dinner dates,…Continue readingJust Relax


Cum on Me

Liz was supposed to meet a few of her classmates for supper at the shopping centre near her house, White Sands, but being a girl, she spent too much time showering and by the time she left her house, it was close to 30 minutes late and her friends were waiting below her house impatiently.…Continue readingCum on Me


Army Days

When I was doing my BMT in year 2010, June to October to be exact, I wrote a substantial amount of stories with the ultra mini personal computer (UMPC), a.k.a. netbooks. It wasn’t easy to hide at the top bed and write, but thankfully, I know my buddies in the same bunk can keep secrets.…Continue readingArmy Days


Dark Side

Continue readingDark Side