
High Score

As the school bell rang after the last lesson of the day, Ricky went up to his biology teacher, Mrs. Koh, with an envelope. She had a stack of worksheets in her hands and the letter was dropped on top of it, while he asked her to look at it when she was free. Mrs.…Continue readingHigh Score


Friend’s Mum

Anthony: ‘Hi Auntie.’ Auntie: ‘You can call me Kelly. So you are the guy my daughter is going out with?’ Anthony: ‘Yeah.’ Auntie: ‘Finally she brought you home for me to see.’ Lin had her hands around his arm the entire time to show her mum how much she was into him, and the lack…Continue readingFriend’s Mum


Can I See?

Ms. Koh: ‘Hey John, I haven’t seen you in a long time. How have you been?’ Ms. Koh was Philip’s hot mum, whom was widowed from a passing husband whose past she never spoke of. The two young boys had been in the same primary and secondary school. They had been spending more time at…Continue readingCan I See?