
New Birth, Day

‘Happy birthday Jenna.’ Jason handed her a Hello Kitty soft toy from McDonald’s just before he turned off all the lights in the cafe. For the 19 year old girl who had everything, he had no idea what to give her for her birthday. Instead of thanking him, tears started to swell up in her…Continue readingNew Birth, Day


Untangled Love

‘Hey! Remember me?’ ‘Janice right?’ ‘Yeah! I’m going to have an ice latte.’ The brown-haired poly student came in at the last order and studied at the table right outside the bar till I finished closing up. Since I was with another staff then, I had to go through countless winks when I told her…Continue readingUntangled Love


A Wait Too Long

‘J! Let’s take a photo together. We haven’t taken one before.’ I set the camera on a ledge in front of us and went to her side, where the selfie-expert directed me to stand facing her, going for a ‘cool’ face-to-face pose. The not-so-photogenic me did as she told but we found ourselves barely still…Continue readingA Wait Too Long


Exotic A’s

Part 1 | Part 2 ‘J?’ ‘Omg! Jo? You really turned up!’ ‘Of course. This place is hard to find though.’ ‘Hang on, let me open up again.’ The stranger I knew online finally showed up, and true to her words, the tint of bronze on her toned, dark Indian skin made her one of…Continue readingExotic A’s


(cont.) Exotic A’s

Part 1 | Part 2 Fuck it! That thought rang so loudly in my head I couldn’t ignore it at all. I got on my knees and dragged her legs to my sides, spreading them to a suitable width at the same time. When she started to grab my shirt to fight back, I instinctively…Continue reading(cont.) Exotic A’s