
Appreciative Threesome

‘Hey! Umm.. This is for you!’ The petite, bob-haircut girl left in a hurry after placing a tri-fold note at my table, where I was having the night to myself after a choir performance. Dumbfounded by the surprise, I didn’t know what to make out of it since that hotel I was drinking at, was…Continue readingAppreciative Threesome


Sis on Pill

As rare as it may be, Pete was still glad to have one of his sister’s friends over, no matter for fun or school work. (Pete asked) ‘Xiao mei. Your friend?’ ‘Yeah! This is Shu Yan.’ ‘Oh hi. I’ll just be in my room alright.’ (The girls whispered) ‘Oh my god! Your brother is so…Continue readingSis on Pill


Dad’s Headache

(Ryan whispered) ‘Dear. The headache.. I think it’s getting worse.’ His wife’s hand moved almost instantly across his belly after hearing what he said, reaching into his boxers to hold his growing member. As he has always joked about using sex to cure a headache, he wasn’t surprised that she would remember it, or even…Continue readingDad’s Headache


Public Indecency

‘Excuse me. May I join you? The other tables are taken.’ ‘Sure sure.’ The full-body tattooed girl sat down once I removed my bag, securing her leash around one of the legs on the bench. I couldn’t resist looking at her arms, thighs, or even her face, no matter how rude that was. Under the…Continue readingPublic Indecency


By The River

(I asked) ‘What do you see when you look out there? The lights?’ ‘Not really. I’m looking at the stars.’ Sitting by the river bank, there was hardly anyone along where we sat since it was three in the morning. After the company dinner ended at ten, I broke away from the group and let…Continue readingBy The River