
I thought

At about 7am, I woke up to a familiar voice – moaning. It came from across my room, which belongs to my little sister, Christel. Well, sexy moans, what else could be it? She was supposed to be in school or on the way there by then. Intending to sexpose her, I gently twisted the…Continue readingI thought


Not Yet

Me: ‘Girl, stop stop!’ Michelle: ‘Noo-oh..’ With my dick in her mouth, it was the clearest answer she could give. With a deep breath, I spurted my load into her mouth, six.. seven times my revolver cocked and fired. She didn’t just pause and wait. her mouth was nicely sealed over my member and tongue…Continue readingNot Yet



Samantha came to my place and as usual, stepped into my study room and took her bag of toiletries out. Samantha: ‘I’m going to bath now. You want to shower with me?’ How can any guy resist an invite to the showers with a girl with figure that most girls can only dream of? She…Continue readingBathroom



You lie on the bed and the ceiling stared right back at you. One question kept running through your mind, what is this guy going to do to me? Afraid of the unknowns, not really pain nor hurt, but the adverse effects of being exposed to pleasure for the first time. You were on his…Continue readingFeeling


Eat here

A young lady sitting along the long cushion seat in Mcdonalds’ slid up to me. Girl: ‘You’re alone?’ Me: ‘Yeah’. Girl: ‘Sit with us.’ And I slid myself with the tray to the empty seat beside her, filling the fourth seat. It was easy to feel as though you knew them for a good long…Continue readingEat here