
Trip with Two

An air of ‘hiding something’ was present in the morning when the three of us had breakfast. My little cousin, Hayley, had came over for the weekends as her parents were overseas. She was just 11, but was 165 tall. Well-toned, firm, fair body would let one wonder if she was really a swimmer. Anyway,…Continue readingTrip with Two



Aya was brought up in a single parent family, and most of the time, she would be taken care of by her step-sister, almost twelve years her senior. Her sixteenth birthday had just passed then, and there was not a single present nor cake to celebrate. A year ago, she was placed in the girls’…Continue readingIncestuous


I thought

At about 7am, I woke up to a familiar voice – moaning. It came from across my room, which belongs to my little sister, Christel. Well, sexy moans, what else could be it? She was supposed to be in school or on the way there by then. Intending to sexpose her, I gently twisted the…Continue readingI thought


Sitting on it

Sister: ‘Kor, You want some?’ *Sister handed me an opened box of chocolates* Sister: ‘You are looking for a model? For what?’ The tweet I sent is no more secret, one of her friends was interested and asked her to approach me. But seems like my sister herself wanted to be the model instead. Me:…Continue readingSitting on it


Amber 6

Rule 1: No underwear allowed for Elson. Rule 2: Only panties outdoors for Amber. Rule 3: Always shower and sleep together. Rule 4: Must play at least once a day. While she explained the rules to the two little kids, she reasoned it so it would be acceptable. Well, there was shopping, swimming and fencing…Continue readingAmber 6