
Groomed for Fuck

I would say that our first date turned out very well when we found ourselves in the privacy of a secluded staircase, kissing like that was our first romantic encounter. Hands began roaming freely over each other’s bodies, mouths went from lips to necks, thighs blatantly rubbing inbetween legs. We were both so ready to…Continue readingGroomed for Fuck


Mother’s Love

‘Jenny jie jie, what do you need me to do? It’s my off day today. So I have all day.’ ‘Haha. Good to know. Okay. I need you to help me look through all this files, and see what can be thrown away. There is too much for me to go through alone, so I…Continue readingMother’s Love


Mum’s Bribe

Part 1 | Part 2 (Alex whispered) ‘Mummy?’ ‘Shhh.. ‘ Alex instantly knew that that voice didn’t come from his mum and a glance towards Jason, his mum’s boyfriend, showed him that HE was the one guiding Janice’s hand over his, her own son’s, body. Not only did she NOT realise who she was fondling,…Continue readingMum’s Bribe


Dad’s Bribe

Part 1 | Part 2 (Soft whispers) ‘Are you sure? He is waking up.’ ‘Yes! I want custody of him no matter what.’ ‘*Sigh* Fine. I don’t know what will this do to him though.’ ‘Just get it over and done with. I’ll be outside.’ Besides not being able to open his eyes, Alex couldn’t…Continue readingDad’s Bribe


What’s the Surprise?

After the doorbell rang twice, Cheryl, my girlfriend, hastily blindfolded me with the tie I wore for the dinner date we just went on. Leaving me confused in the dark, the door opened and closed to some footsteps, followed by feminine whispers that I couldn’t quite make out. ‘What’s the surprise? Is someone else there?’…Continue readingWhat’s the Surprise?