
Fun in Bed

Mika: ‘Why does it smell like strawberry?’ Eugene: ‘I know you like that fruit. So I have been using the lubricant to massage it everytime I shower.’ Mika: ‘It smells so yummy this time.’ She did not wait any longer to devour the long manberry and sucked hard as her lips descended the shaft. Eugene…Continue readingFun in Bed


A Surprise of Gratitude

Email Dear J, in appreciation to your hardwork delivering weeks after weeks of erotic literature, I feel that you deserve a reward. Attached is an access card to an apartment in Sentosa Cove at 10am on the 10th of March 201-, you are invited to a closed-door event. As read in your blog, please do…Continue readingA Surprise of Gratitude


Perfect Love Life

After the last customer left the bar at 11pm, I was given the go ahead to close shop for the night. Tidying the place did take up some time as Baby was constantly texting me to see if I was done. As usual, the glass door was the last to be locked and a lady…Continue readingPerfect Love Life


Love Seeds

Seated at the dining table, Wendy waited patiently with her younger sister, Queenie, while Shane cooked a few packets of instant noodles for them. He was a secondary three student in the same class as Queenie and had saw how she was shivering when he walked her home. Not wanting to let her wait till…Continue readingLove Seeds


Behind Her Back

Erica was one of Baby’s best friend who I have met a few times when they were out having meals and she helped me out when I wanted to surprise Baby too. But this time, she Whatsapped me on her own with a confession that she liked me, even though she was attached. We met…Continue readingBehind Her Back