
Down the Throat

Written by Sandy, 19. Wearing just the short skirt I wore for our (earlier) dinner date, he dragged me out of the house with the black bra on. Although it was 3am, I was still worried about neighbours coming home. Standing in front of the railings, I lit the cigarette before him and he did…Continue readingDown the Throat


Swinging Babies

Baby: ‘Amber is coming up now.’ Me: ‘Must we do this?’ Baby: ‘Why b? I thought you don’t mind her?’ Me: ‘She’s your best friend mah. Won’t it affect you two?’ Baby: ‘Won’t lah. Like you said, we are best friends.’ The door bell rang shortly after and Amber entered with her boyfriend, Jimmy, who…Continue readingSwinging Babies


Mental Play

Having taken up multiple modelling jobs before, Desiree had met her fair share of perverts who tried to get their hands on her but to no avail. Being a clubber and a fashionable lady, countless guys had been into her but she knew better than to let them get their ways and feel used. I…Continue readingMental Play


Mummy’s Girl and Daddy’s Boy

Lady: ‘I always see you here to pick up your son. What do you work as?’ Hemmen was at the school’s gate waiting for his 12 year old son when a woman whom he did not know the name of, but always greeted spoke to him. She was the mother of a girl in his…Continue readingMummy’s Girl and Daddy’s Boy


As a Mother

This is a confession made by a single mum of 36 years old, working in the banking industry. Violette (name changed for protection) has a secret that we (guys) have always fantasised about when we were younger and she found this the right place to share her little secret. Let’s lend her our listening eyes…Continue readingAs a Mother