
Staircase Revelation

(She uttered) ‘Thank you.. ‘ Those two words came as soon as she broke away from my kiss, one that none of us were prepared for, especially after she had came to me for comfort. Being best friends for a while now, I only had gratitude for her, and definitely not being around until this…Continue readingStaircase Revelation


Three-plus Years

‘Jay. How are you heading home? Cab?’ ‘Yeah. But I’m thinking of going somewhere else to rest a bit before going home. You know, my face red like this.. I don’t want my family to see this.’ ‘Haha. I understand. I think that’s a good idea too.’ The rest of the group soon found their…Continue readingThree-plus Years


Unconventional Education

(Distant whispering) ‘You dare meh? He will probably see us as crazy.’ ‘Just asking ma. You also want to know right? He looks helpful anyway.’ ‘Ok lo. You go ah?’ ‘Together la!’ Despite having his earphones plugged in, Benedict had no music playing through it and could hear every word the two girls said, seemingly…Continue readingUnconventional Education


Maeve’s Demise

‘Hey! You know Maeve right?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘I think she’s in some kind of trouble. Can you come with me?’ ‘Yeah yeah! Let’s go.’ Although I didn’t know Maeve that well, there were no reasons not to help her out if I could help it. I followed that girl on a walk so rushed that I…Continue readingMaeve’s Demise


Fucking Rounds

(Distant whispering) ‘fuck! that felt so good. lick me clean?’ Being a security guard for two years, I knew what I heard and there was nothing more to do than to chase them away. After all, the organisation had paid me enough to find my own fuck than to extort it out of some horny…Continue readingFucking Rounds