
Same Time

Sitting at the bus stop with my earpiece on, it was the last bus I was waiting for after work. With fifteen minutes to my bus, I knew there was nothing much to do, reserving my iPad games for the long journey home. A few minutes into the wait, a girl dressed in a tight…Continue readingSame Time


Paying a Visit

Sharon (loud whisper): ‘Hey! why did you come to my school!?’ Randy: ‘I wanted to see you.’ Sharon: ‘But my friends will see us!’ Randy: ‘I know, so let’s go somewhere no one can? Or I can just show your boyfriend working some photos of you. I know where he works.’ Sharon: ‘WTH.. Don’t ever…Continue readingPaying a Visit


Perfect Finish

Part 1 | Part 2 Just as I finished the last bit of beer in my pint glass, the waitress came up to me with the bill, a sign of politeness that they were about to close for the day. Sitting a few tables behind was a Korean girl, which I could make out with…Continue readingPerfect Finish


Too Much Education

Rachelle: ‘Okay class. That’s all for today.’ She let the students leave the classroom before walking out, heading back to the staff room to drop her folders. As she tided her desk, Ron stood up among the cubicles and took a quick glance at her, smiling nonchalantly, and went for the door. Upon seeing his…Continue readingToo Much Education


Two Tables Away

She was in an off-shoulder crop top, almost see-through if not for the white folding layers that pushed men’s imagination wild. There was no visible bra straps but that only made things worse by the exposure of her fair waist where the top ended. The guy? He had his arm around her neck, hand doing…Continue readingTwo Tables Away