
Ice Cream

*Knock knock* Alvin opened the door after coming down hastily from his two story apartment. After all, who would be knocking at his door at 9pm if not for something important. Girl: ‘Would you like to buy some ice cream? It’s a new product from our company.’ Alvin gave her a ‘-_-‘ look and she…Continue readingIce Cream


Private Space

Part 1 | Part 2 Kelly had started going to a private institution for her degree and she finally could wear what she liked to school. It was in Bugis area, a shopping district crowded with people dressed in their best to shop, or work at the offices there. Although class began at 9, she…Continue readingPrivate Space


Lending him to Natalie

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 A quick shower later, he went to Natalie’s room and lay by her side. Natalie: ‘Done with the girls?’ Samuel: ‘Yupp. But I still have some energy left for a massage.’ He went under her blanket and rubbed some oil over her feet, which he worked his way up her thighs…Continue readingLending him to Natalie


Sharing her Toy

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Allina: ‘You think he still got energy for me?’ Hayley: ‘Samuel?’ He looked at Allina and Hayley smiled after noticing his twitching dick. She passed him to her and turned to Fiona. Samuel went behind the armchair Allina was sitting on and took both her hands behind her head. Pulling the…Continue readingSharing her Toy


Toy Boy

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Hayley: ‘Samuel, come.’ He made his way down the three story bungalow with a towel around him to the living room where the group of four ladies were. He was a toy boy, or better known as sugar boy, paid for by her. Being just 24, he…Continue readingToy Boy