
Kinda Messy

A Sunday invitation to karaoke isn’t the best way to spend a book in day but since it was by my new buddies at the new place, it wouldn’t hurt right? Despite the sunny weather, the room was dim and all of them were with their girlfriends. Surprisingly, there were a few girls whom brought…Continue readingKinda Messy


Opposite Room

As Jordan peeped from the corner of his eye, the door swung open and his younger brother came home with yet another girl, too damn young for sex, probably thirteen or fourteen. The two of them were perspiring a bit but still seemed ‘decent’ without their privacy yet. Jake (shouting): ‘Mum! I’m going to my…Continue readingOpposite Room


Chinese New Year

Mum: ‘Timmy! Come out! Your cousins are here!’ Tracy: ‘Auntie, it’s okay. I’ll get him outside.’ Tiptoeing lightly into Timmy’s room, the manly scent of his wake up clothes caught her nose and softened her heart a little. It had been three years since the incident where she stumbled into his room while he was…Continue readingChinese New Year


Hug Me

It’s a weekday, and barely at ten o’clock, there wasn’t anyone else in the pool except baby and I. We had been planning on this (the swimming part) for the longest time and finally, I could spend one of my off days with her. Baby looked like any other girl in a one piece swimwear…Continue readingHug Me



Like dark secrets, erotica is hardly spoken of, yet it’s existence could be found everywhere. You guys must be thinking, who the hell are they? Could he/ she be ‘that’ person? These thoughts probably came only when you read sex blogs, or you could be too damn horny for the person beside you. The author…Continue readingFacebook