
Perfect Finish

Part 1 | Part 2 Just as I finished the last bit of beer in my pint glass, the waitress came up to me with the bill, a sign of politeness that they were about to close for the day. Sitting a few tables behind was a Korean girl, which I could make out with…Continue readingPerfect Finish


Too Much Education

Rachelle: ‘Okay class. That’s all for today.’ She let the students leave the classroom before walking out, heading back to the staff room to drop her folders. As she tided her desk, Ron stood up among the cubicles and took a quick glance at her, smiling nonchalantly, and went for the door. Upon seeing his…Continue readingToo Much Education


Land Before Time

Guy: ‘Hey! J?!’ The white Mazda that had pulled up along the road called out to me, disrupting my attention on my phone. I nodded and he ushered for me to get in, unsure of where or what he was going to do to me. Two days ago, someone had contacted me via my site…Continue readingLand Before Time



Me (whispering): ‘You sure about this?’ Yun: ‘Uh huh. You’ve been fantasising about this right?’ With my girl tied in bed, I sat next to her, armed with a double-headed dildo. Rubbing her inner thighs with my warm palm, she was looking at me with anticipation. We both wanted to try this at least once,…Continue readingEdging


A Little Rub

To make up for the lapsed entries everyone has been waiting for, J is publishing a story he just completed. Apologies for what happened, and this will be one of the few (hopefully) this month during the hiatus. Once again, thank you guys for your continual support. Melinda (whispering): ‘Hey! Not here!’ Rick pushed his…Continue readingA Little Rub