
Not Yet

Me: ‘Girl, stop stop!’ Michelle: ‘Noo-oh..’ With my dick in her mouth, it was the clearest answer she could give. With a deep breath, I spurted my load into her mouth, six.. seven times my revolver cocked and fired. She didn’t just pause and wait. her mouth was nicely sealed over my member and tongue…Continue readingNot Yet


(cont.) Endless Blackmail

Part 1 When Adeline was awake, she was dressed in her underwear and woke up with a bump on her head. Friend: ‘I think you hit your head and fainted.’ Adeline knew that wasn’t the case, the bump was.. minor compared to what she had been through. In any way, she recovered and school resumed,…Continue reading(cont.) Endless Blackmail


Beautiful Girlfriend

I once had a girlfriend when I was fourteen, she was the same age as I, but different from the rest of the girls at her age. Normal looking, girl-next-door, with a super blur and dependent nature. I guess that’s what makes her attractive. I was knowledgable for my age, those IT skills and explorations…Continue readingBeautiful Girlfriend


Raped in School

Adeline was like any school girl, having one too many piercings, skirt length way below the regulation, long flowing hair with a tinge of brown and brightly colored bra displayed through her white top. She was in secondary three express that year. Yes, she was a smart girl, one that was so excellent that teachers…Continue readingRaped in School


Just Imagine

Imagine it. The girl you just met and brought home slipped a mild sleeping drug into your drinks. You woke up and found yourself tied to the ends of the bed, with her sitting at the corner in lingerie, waiting for you to wake up. *running her pretty manicured fingers across your bare chest* Girl:…Continue readingJust Imagine