
On the Double

Without wasting a second more, I pulled Maeve close for a kiss and cupped my palm over her groin, middle finger massaging her clit as our tongues intertwined. She too, was quick to stretch the waistband of my shorts wide enough to stick one hand in, so she could relieve that tension causing my cock…Continue readingOn the Double


Sexual Faith

I almost lost my focus on the road when she unzipped the jacket she was wrapped up in, to reveal a pair of braless B-cups for my eyes to feast on. Right after that surprise, she reached into the short pair of FBT shorts and started masturbating, making all those squishing noises to distract me…Continue readingSexual Faith



As exhausted as I was, especially after two rounds of sex, the sight of my baby girl in a restrained-doggystyle worked like magic on my limp dick. Unlike the imaginable ways you can tie a girl to the bed, we had a different set up that night. Two spreader bars kept her elbows AND knees…Continue readingOverused


Bad Day

(I whispered) ‘hey hey hey.. everything is fine now. I’m here.’ I squeezed my arms tighter around her as she bawled harder into my chest, a reaction that I had not expect from a career woman whom just came home from work. When I saw her standing motionless in front of the doorstep a few…Continue readingBad Day



It was only last night, that we felt like we had a lot to tell each other. From the moment we met, to the shopping we did at NTUC, up to my doorstep, the endless conversation suddenly came to a halt when we walked through the door. We took off our shoes, dropped the shopping…Continue readingPlayback