
Extra Mula

Adel: ‘Uncle Tim, I need extra money to go out with my friends. Can you spare me some?’ Tim: ‘What time do you end school today?’ Adel: ‘Around 3? But I’ve told my dad I end at 5. So we have some time.’ Tim: ‘Clever girl. I’ll pick you up at your school then.’ Tim…Continue readingExtra Mula


Slip and Fall

I hurried along the sheltered walkways connecting to my block and saw a girl running in the heavy rain, drenched from head to toe. As she took the last step into the shelter I was walking under, she tripped over the curb and landed hard on her face. I did the one thing anyone would…Continue readingSlip and Fall


Just Some Guy

Paul boarded his last bus in a hurry and sat on the chair at the third row. It was those seats facing forward at the driver while passengers could still seat on those chairs facing the back. He placed his shopping bags on the narrow space and started playing on his iPad. He was a…Continue readingJust Some Guy


Computer Repairs

Being a long time friend to Wayne’s family, Ted wasn’t surprised when his mum, Mdm. Chua called him for help with the shared computer that their family had in the living room. Wayne had been out at work and Ted made his way to his friend’s place, just a few minutes walk away. Mdm. Chua:…Continue readingComputer Repairs


Closed Doors

After Evelyn had her lunch with Charles, they walked along the empty classrooms in the poly until they reached a room that they used for meetings. She was in a sleeveless short flare dress that had been teasing him so much that he had been raping her mentally long before their class ended. She clicked…Continue readingClosed Doors