
Like Father, Like Son

Heading home in the family car after dinner, the day of the month to eat with their son, Jacob and future daughter-in-law, Xin, had ended. Every meal they had was an expensive one in a posh restaurant and the usual routine of sending Xin home was expected each time. Jacob had been attached to Xin…Continue readingLike Father, Like Son


Cab Fare

Upon reaching her place, Carmen realised she had no money left after the night out drinking with her friends. Knowing that there was no way around it, she opened her wallet to show to the case driver and he was ready to make the call to the police. Carmen: ‘Uncle, don’t call the police can?…Continue readingCab Fare


Same Stairs

Ray’s girlfriend, Shirleen, had been unable to control her hands throughout the long bus ride home from Wild Wild Wet, since they had sort of touched each other in the public pool. His hard on had been bugging him for most of the ride even when passengers were around them. Reaching their stop, the new…Continue readingSame Stairs


‘Worst’ Day

Fredrick was a normal JC guy who was studious and hardworking in his school, but the fact that he had an ah lian (Slang for female gangster-like character) for a girlfriend made his peers jealous and confused at the same time. She would be waiting outside his school every now and then, puffing at the…Continue reading‘Worst’ Day


High Tea

Me: ‘Lufus’ Secret. Thanks’ Once I had ordered the tea unlisted on the menu, the manager of the cafe appeared and signalled for me to go over, with a questioning face. Manager: ‘Legal?’ Me: ‘Yeah. Girlfriend.’ Manager: ‘Okay. You know the price of it right?’ Me: ‘Yeah. Unlimited sex?’ Manager: ‘Asshole, it’s eighty five dollars.’…Continue readingHigh Tea